If you really really need to meditate in those small windows of opportunities, Tide Plus gives you access to the entire library of meditations and even the daily themed meditations. This premium offer gives you access to more sounds of nature, especially if the waves or rain just aren’t cutting it.

Tide is free to use, but if you’re looking to truly find your zen, Tide Plus offers a wealth of additional features. This sounds great for sustained work and to keep from dipping into sites like Reddit for quick dopamine hits until it is a break. Longer breaks, typically 15 to 30 minutes, are taken after four consecutive work intervals. Using the various nature sounds, you can also set a timer to nap or sleep peacefully and be welcomed to consciousness with a gentle wake alarm. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks. Looking to catch a breath and take some time for yourself? Tide also offers meditations that fit into your already busy schedule, whether you’re walking to work or getting ready in the morning or any moment in between, take a moment for you because you deserve it.

Tide offers a focus timer feature based on the Pomodoro technique (TL DR: 25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of break) that allows you to get work done while listening to a range of nature sounds (rain, waves, etc.). Tide is suitable for top-notch procrastinators like you and me, or for those seeking an outlet to meditate and find inner peace.